
San Francisco - Huckleberry House offers emergency shelter to high-need youth between the ages of 11 and 17.

San Francisco - Huckleberry House offers emergency shelter to high-need youth between the ages of 11 and 17.

Oakland - DreamCatcher Youth Services is the only Shelter in Alameda County for youth aged 13-18. DreamCatcher provides a vital continuum of care for homeless, disconnected youth to enable them to become healthy, productive ults.

Oakland - DreamCatcher Youth Services is the only Shelter in Alameda County for youth aged 13-18. DreamCatcher provides a vital continuum of care for homeless, disconnected youth to enable them to become healthy, productive ults.

Oakland - Covenant House California is a youth homeless shelter that provides sanctuary and support for homeless and trafficked youth, ages 18-24.

Oakland - Covenant House California is a youth homeless shelter that provides sanctuary and support for homeless and trafficked youth, ages 18-24.

Berkeley - YEAH! provides low-barrier access for youth ages 18-24 experiencing homelessness. They provide basic necessities, offer case management and counseling, linkages to education, employment and housing, and opportunities for meaningful commun…

Berkeley - YEAH! provides low-barrier access for youth ages 18-24 experiencing homelessness. They provide basic necessities, offer case management and counseling, linkages to education, employment and housing, and opportunities for meaningful community involvement.

La Casa de Las Madres' confidentially-located Emergency Shelter Program serves as a safe haven for women and children fleeing domestic violence. They offer services to up to 35 women and children each night.

La Casa de Las Madres' confidentially-located Emergency Shelter Program serves as a safe haven for women and children fleeing domestic violence. They offer services to up to 35 women and children each night.

Located in Hayward, Ruby's place provides shelter and support services to families and individuals age 18+, who are homeless for any of the following reasons: Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking, Financial Hardship, Eviction, Loss of Employment

Located in Hayward, Ruby's place provides shelter and support services to families and individuals age 18+, who are homeless for any of the following reasons: Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking, Financial Hardship, Eviction, Loss of Employment

Terry Rogers
Roy Williams

We are still building out our resource list, with the support of youth like you! Have ideas of resources that should be here? Have feedback on the services we've listed? Please let us know.